Bítov Castle is an enchanting neo-Gothic castle towering above the deep waters of Vranov Reservoir. It is located near the confluence of the meandering Moravian rivers Dyje and Želetavka, close to the tiny village of Bítov, in the South Moravian region, 27 kilometres (16.8 miles) west of the town of Znojmo, Czechia. Founded in the ...

Sloup Castle is a small castle in the village of the same name in northern Bohemia. Its unique feature is its location: it is situated inside of a freestanding sandstone rock. And this rock gave the castle its name because sloup means is Czech “column”. The full name of the village is Sloup v Čechách, ...

Házmburk is the name of a ruined medieval castle and the hill on top of which it is situated. Thanks to its elevated location and the relatively flat surroundings, the ruins are visible from far away. Their easily recognizable silhouette was an inspiration for artists during the Romantic period. Házmburk is located near the village of Klapý

Litomyšl Castle is the most important landmark in the small town of the same name in the Pardubice Region, in eastern Bohemia. It is one of twelve (as of 2017) UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Czechia. It was inscribed in 1999, as the 9th Czech site on the World Heritage List.

Karlštejn Castle (hrad Karlštejn) is a large medieval castle located in the town of the same name near the capital city Prague. Karlštejn Castle is very popular among tourists and it is a perfect place for a day trip when you’re staying in Prague. It was founded by the Bohemian King and Holy Roman Emperor ...

Prague Castle (in Czech: Pražský hrad) is the largest ancient castle in the world. It is perhaps the most important landmark in the magnificent city of Prague and it absolutely dominates the city's skyline. More than 1.8 million tourists visit Prague Castle every year, and indeed, it is hard to miss it. You will see it from many places along the Vltava and from numerous observation points in the Czech capital.